Choosing Snow Tires
This is the specialist tire for harsh winter terrain. It has a highly shouldered design and a high stud-retaining capacity. For use on Super 1.6 cars. Only "Montecarlo" studs.
This is the specialist tire for harsh winter terrain. It has a highly shouldered design and a high stud-retaining capacity. For use on Super N and WRC cars. Only "Montecarlo" studs.
Tire for mixed terrain conditions, up to 30/40% of snow/ice and asphalt. Can be hand-cut in the event of heavier snow and ice. For use on Super N and WRC cars.
100% (inner and outer tread area)
50% (only inner area) - not studded
Studded "Svezia" tire, with directional traction design which is ideal for
deep snow conditions. The studs are fitted using a patented Pirelli technology that guarantees exceptional stability and resistance of the studding system. Available with "Svezia" type studding only.
Studded "Svezia" tire, with directional asymmetric design which is ideal for snow-covered and icy surfaces. The special direction of the plugs, together with the patented Pirelli studding, guarantees maximum stability and grip of the studs, even in the most extreme surface conditions. Available with "Svezia" type studding only.